Debug item 1863 color: c3a77f
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page: 0 items per page: 9number of items: 18 1863 6521 6257 6519 5949 6517 5135 6516 6515 6513 5134 6259 6258 5581 5144 5756 5421 5318
page: 0 items per page: 9number of items: 18 1863 6521 6257 6519 5949 6517 5135 6516 6515 6513 5134 6259 6258 5581 5144 5756 5421 5318
page: 0 items per page: 9number of items: 18 1863 6521 6257 6519 5949 6517 5135 6516 6515 6513 5134 6259 6258 5581 5144 5756 5421 5318
page: 0 items per page: 9number of items: 18 1863 6521 6257 6519 5949 6517 5135 6516 6515 6513 5134 6259 6258 5581 5144 5756 5421 5318
page: 0 items per page: 9number of items: 18 1863 6521 6257 6519 5949 6517 5135 6516 6515 6513 5134 6259 6258 5581 5144 5756 5421 5318
page: 0 items per page: 9number of items: 18 1863 6521 6257 6519 5949 6517 5135 6516 6515 6513 5134 6259 6258 5581 5144 5756 5421 5318
page: 0 items per page: 9number of items: 18 1863 6521 6257 6519 5949 6517 5135 6516 6515 6513 5134 6259 6258 5581 5144 5756 5421 5318
page: 0 items per page: 9number of items: 18 1863 6521 6257 6519 5949 6517 5135 6516 6515 6513 5134 6259 6258 5581 5144 5756 5421 5318
For Sale

Category: Furniture / Outdoor

Title: Antique Outdoor Table with Marble Top and Iron Base

Price $495.00    Shipping $29.00

Item Number 1863

Description: This vintage table, with its four-legged stand of solid iron, was forged and hammered in Italy by an Art Deco blacksmith. The detail is handcrafted, in a complex design that features a tripod base, spindle feet, and stylized ca more..

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