Title: Antique Bevel Edge Wooden & Brass Ruler Calculation Aid Tool
Shipping: $29.00
Artist: N/A
Period: Unassigned
History: N/A
Origin: N/A
Condition: Museum Quality
Item Date: N/A
Item ID: 6793
A rare antique beveled edge ruler / Antique Articulated Folding Brass & Wood Ruler Calculation Aid Tool / Retractable flexible rule or tape measure. A ruler can be defined as a tool or device used to measure length and draw straight lines. Rulers can be used to measure lengths in both metric and customary units. Here, the ruler is marked in centimeters (cms) along the top and in inches along the bottom. The marks or intervals on a ruler are called hash marks. A long folding wooden strip with linear-measurement markings. It is a common measuring tool in its day.
Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruler
A ruler, sometimes called a rule or line gauge, is an instrument used in geometry, technical drawing, printing and engineering/building to measure distances and/or to rule straight lines. Strictly speaking, the ruler is essentially a straightedge used to rule lines, but typically the ruler also contains calibrated lines to measure distances.