Title: Hieronymus - Each Line One Breath Drawing By Artist John Franzen
Shipping: $29.00
Artist: N/A
Period: Contemporary
History: Art
Origin: Northern Europe > Norway
Condition: N/A
Item Date: N/A
Item ID: 599
Hieronymus - Each Line One Breath By Artist John Franzen. Black Ink on 650 gr Paper _ 122 cm x 122 cm _ 2017. The linear structure is based upon the human-line algorithm. The works induce both mechanical and organic connotations: the quasi-automatic pattern, wherein each line is a reaction to the previous one, is dictated and guided by the breathing rate of Franzen. The irregularities within the structure result from the externalization of the artist’s thoughts, emotions, and reflections. Starting with a single straight line, each subsequent line seeks to imitate its predecessor. Each breath, and therefore each line, will vary slightly, which makes the pattern evolves uniquely for each piece. Depending on Franzen’s constitution, each work obtains an individual motion, which distinguishes it from the others. Concentration and the repetitive act of inhaling and exhaling between each line allows the whole to evolve naturally into logarithmic-like patterns and layers.
The work of the artist John Franzen is an ongoing and complex investigation into the mechanisms of the universe, both subjective and objective. For him paper and the color white represent ‘the beginning’, next comes the line, drawn in ink, graphite, or blood. The creation of the line, the movement, and the stroke, embodies the essence of creation: Each Line is One Breath. Together his lines format a blueprint of the universe.