Title: Steak, Bandage & Blood
Shipping: $30.00
Artist: N/A
Period: Contemporary
History: N/A
Origin: N/A
Condition: Museum Quality
Item Date: July 18, 2013
Item ID: 5925
Much like the story in "Salmon Bondage" this series comes from too many days of shooting a huge variety of meats in all different shapes and forms for a client. We shot them all raw to begin with then ran them all thru a series of baking, sautéing, searing, grilling and slicing and dicing. After shooting eight days of this on white formica the food stylist, Suzanne Lenzer, and I were toast. But we had some beautiful pieces of meat left over. Sure we could eat them but we thought to shoot them first in a series we called Burned, Bound & Bloodied. They came together marvelously fast. We wanted to cross over into a more dangerous territory by including a human bandage to suggest something other than a raw steak. Make it more personal. Blood is blood. Something/Someone was killed. Scene of the crime. The more blood the more violence. Like 'Salmon Bondage' the only color is in the meat and blood. The rest is monochromatic. Let's the subject matter stand out from the background. To increase the anxiety of the scene I crumpled the butcher paper for wrinkles and tore the paper at the top of the photo. This was shot natural light in a studio in Manhattan. Two black vertical cards were letting a strip of light in at the top center of the photo. The cards on the sides allowed the vignetting on either side of the meat. I used a black card on the other side of the set to reduce fill light but i still got some from the overhead white ceilings. Shot overhead on a tripod with a Canon 5D Mark 3 at 1.3 sec @ f11. ISO 100. shot raw and made into a Tiff file now at 77.9 MB.