Title: Black Swan - Stormy Discarded Umbrella Photo By Artist Leland Bobbe
Shipping: $40.00
Artist: N/A
Period: Contemporary
History: N/A
Origin: N/A
Condition: Excellent
Item Date: 1980
Item ID: 5902
This is a signed limited edition (10) print, signed on front and fingerprinted on verso. It was captured on black and white Tri-X Film using a 35 mm Camera. The negative was then drum scanned (a high-end optical scanning device used to convert film into a digital file) and is printed using Lambda printing, aka Lightjet printing. This technique produces the highest quality photographic prints available for large format from digital artworks. Using continuous tone digital technology, the images are produced by transferring images directly from computer generated digital files without the need of a negative. By using lasers, the total image is crisp and precise edge to edge, with no distortion Printed on Kodak Endura Archival paper; the life expectancy of these prints is over 100 years. Leland supervises all printing of his imagery.
Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Street_photography
Street photography is a genre of photography that features subjects in candid situations within public places and does not necessitate the presence of a street or even the urban environment. 'Street' simply refers to a place where human activity can be seen, a place to observe and capture social interaction. The subject can even be absent of any people and can be that of object or environment where an object projects a human character or an environment is decidedly human.
Framing and timing are key aspects of the craft, with the aim of creating images at a decisive or poignant moment. Alternatively, the street photographer may seek a more prosaic depiction of the scene, as a form of social documentary.
Much of what is now widely regarded, stylistically and subjectively, as definitive street photography was made in the era spanning the end of the 19th Century through to the late 1970s; a period which saw the emergence of portable cameras. During the course of its evolution, street photography has provided a diverse and detailed record of street culture. The advent of digital photography, combined with the exponential growth of photo-sharing via the internet, has greatly expanded an awareness of the genre and its practitioners.