Title: Antique Metal Crib Cribbage Game Card Point Scoring System Board
Shipping: $29.00
Artist: N/A
Period: 19th Century
History: N/A
Origin: N/A
Condition: Excellent
Item Date: 1860 to 1920
Item ID: 5774
CRIB BOARD "EXTRAORDINAIRE"! I have never seen one like this! This is a large antique crib board covered in a old metal material it is in excellent condition. It's the ideal gift for someone who plays cribbage or collects similar items. I believe it dates from around the 1850's but it could be from the '1920's Cribbage, or crib, is a card game traditionally for two players, but commonly played with three, four, or more, that involves playing and grouping cards in combinations which gain points. Cribbage has several distinctive features: the cribbage board used for scorekeeping, the eponymous crib or box (a separate hand counting for the dealer), two distinct scoring stages (the play and the show) and a unique scoring system including points for groups of cards that total fifteen.
Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cribbage#Cribbage_board
Visually, cribbage is known for its scoring board – a series of holes ("streets") on which the score is tallied with pegs (also known as "spilikins"). Scores can be kept on a piece of paper, but a cribbage board is almost always used, since scoring occurs throughout the game, not just at the conclusion of hands as in most other card games. Points are registered as having been scored by "pegging" along the crib board. Two pegs are used in a leapfrog fashion, so that if a player loses track during the count one peg still marks the previous score. Some boards have a "game counter", with many additional holes for use with a third peg to count the games won by each side.