Title: The Forest, The Book, The Path - Painting By Artist Jeffery Felker
Shipping: $49.00
Artist: N/A
Period: Contemporary
History: N/A
Origin: N/A
Condition: Museum Quality
Item Date: 2009
Item ID: 4660
"The Forest, the Book, the Path" depicts the possibilities and creative potential that can be derived from education. The book represents the path to those possibilities and the forest represents the surreal nature and limitless capability of an invigorated mind. "The Forest, the Book, the Path" is one of two paintings specifically created by Jeff Felker for the benefit art show: REVO LA held at UCLA on Octpber 4th 2009. REVO LA was put on by Nina Brav in order to heighten awareness of the children of West Papua, Indonesia's broken school system. Other well known artists shown in Revo LA 2009: OBEY(Shepard Fairey), Audrey Kawasaki, Ekundayo, Mr. Brainwash and many more. The event was attended by a little over a thousand supports.
Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contemporary_Art
Contemporary art can be defined variously as art produced at this present point in time or art produced since World War II. The definition of the word contemporary would support the first view, but museums of contemporary art commonly define their collections as consisting of art produced since World War II. Contemporary art is exhibited by commercial contemporary art galleries, private collectors, corporations, publicly funded arts organizations, contemporary art museums or by artists themselves in artist-run spaces. Contemporary artists are supported by grants, awards and prizes as well as by direct sales of their work. There are close relationships between publicly funded contemporary art organisations and the commercial sector. For instance, in Britain a handful of dealers represent the artists featured in leading publicly funded contemporary art museums. Individual collectors can wield considerable influence.