Title: Powergiant Photo by Artists Dreamdelivery Group
Shipping: $100.00
Artist: N/A
Period: Contemporary
History: N/A
Origin: N/A
Condition: Museum Quality
Item Date: 2011
Item ID: 4226
Powergiant photo by the Hungarian artrists Dreamdelivery Group: The picture is a snapshot about a transformer in Godollo, Hungary. The colours were made stronger with photoshop curves tool then we made the light blue colour of sky harsher with brush darken tool. With these changes we reached the effect as if the transoformer would rise to gigantic heights.
Link: http://www.cambridgeincolour.com/tutorials/photoshop-curves.htm
The Photoshop curves tool is perhaps the most powerful and flexible image transformation, yet it may also be one of the most intimidating. Since photographers effectively paint with light, curves is central to their practice because it affects light's two primary influences: tones and contrast. Tonal curves are also what give different film types their unique character, so understanding how they work allows one to mimic any film — without ever having to retake the photograph.
How it works?
Similar to Photoshop levels, the curves tool can take input tones and selectively stretch or compress them. Unlike levels however, which only has black, white and midpoint control, a tonal curve is controlled using any number of anchor points (small squares below, up to a total of 16). The result of a given curve can be visualized by following a test input tone up to the curve, then over to its resulting output tone. A diagonal line through the center will therefore leave tones unchanged.