Title: Matidia Mixed Media Textile Relief by Marilyn Henrion
Shipping: $50.00
Artist: N/A
Period: Contemporary
History: N/A
Origin: N/A
Condition: Museum Quality
Item Date: 2009
Item ID: 2801
Matidia by artist Marilyn Henrion. Mixed media textile relief: Digital photography, inkjet printing on silk and cotton, fusing, trapunto, hand quilting. Double matted and framed. (work is 12"x9", 18"x15" framed)). The striving for immortality has been present in civilizations throughout the ages, from cave dwellers to the present. In this quest we have often turned to art to preserve something of ourselves and our values when we are no longer here to speak. This series of works pays homage to these attempts by focusing on the haunting faces of marble portrait sculptures from ancient Rome at New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art. Marilyn Henrion extracts images from photographs she has taken of these works and prints them onto cloth. Combining these with details from Roman sarcophagii and statues from the same period, she creates textile collages, animating the surfaces with trapunto relief and hand quilting. The presence of Henrion’s hand stitching adds yet another layer to the quest for transcendence embedded in the construction of these contemporary works.
Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mixed_media
Mixed media, in visual art, refers to an artwork in the making of which more than one medium has been employed.
There is an important distinction between "mixed-media" artworks and "multimedia art". Mixed media tends to refer to a work of visual art that combines various traditionally distinct visual art media.