Title: Triangles On Colored Lines Painting Print by Mark Busacca
Catalog Number: 6691
Category: Artists / Prints
Country & Origin: North America > United States
Historical Period: Contemporary
Approximate Date: 2017
Signature: Signed
Condition: Museum Quality
Height: 4"
Width: 4" feet
Description & Provenance: A large painting by Mark Busacca" hard-edge abstraction, Triangles On Colored Lines. The work is influenced by the flat architectural shadows and colors of geometric light. geometric acrylic medium on canvas. I have been fascinated' by this kind of graphic painting on and off for the last 40 years. I want people to see the beauty within graphic geometric lines. My art is representing various movements and geographical backgrounds are featured: with their images of flat, intersecting planes and floating shapes; This is associated with Minimalism, Op art, and hard-edge abstraction, whose primary interest lay in the investigation of reductive form and color; As I continue to exploit the infinite potential of simple geometric geometries and design. “I make art I’m pleased with and can promote some kind of reaction" so I can tell a personal story about the peace.” The perfect expression of my philosophy: “Collecting art should be, above all else, lots of fun and exciting. Buy what you love (and can afford).”
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